Instruction Set
* INV[.W] Invert destination
* INV.B Invert destination
Syntax INV dst
INV.B dst
Operation .NOT.dst −> dst
Emulation XOR #0FFFFh,dst
Emulation XOR.B #0FFh,dst
Description The destination operand is inverted. The original contents are lost.
Status Bits N: Set if result is negative, reset if positive
Z: Set if dst contained 0FFFFh, reset otherwise
Set if dst contained 0FFh, reset otherwise
C: Set if result is not zero, reset otherwise ( = .NOT. Zero)
Set if result is not zero, reset otherwise ( = .NOT. Zero)
V: Set if initial destination operand was negative, otherwise reset
Mode Bits OSCOFF, CPUOFF, and GIE are not affected.
Example Content of R5 is negated (twos complement).
MOV #00AEh,R5 ; R5 = 000AEh
INV R5 ; Invert R5, R5 = 0FF51h
INC R5 ; R5 is now negated, R5 = 0FF52h
Example Content of memory byte LEO is negated.
INV.B LEO ; Invert LEO, MEM(LEO) = 051h
INC.B LEO ; MEM(LEO) is negated,MEM(LEO) = 052h