
LCD Controller Operation
18-8 LCD Controller
Static Mode Software Example
; All eight segments of a digit are often located in four
; display memory bytes with the static display method.
a EQU 001h
b EQU 010h
c EQU 002h
d EQU 020h
e EQU 004h
f EQU 040h
g EQU 008h
h EQU 080h
; The register content of Rx should be displayed.
: The Table represents the ’on’−segments according to the
; content of Rx.
MOV.B Table (Rx),RY ; Load segment information
; into temporary memory.
; (Ry) = 0000 0000 hfdb geca
MOV.B Ry,&LCDn ; Note:
; All bits of an LCD memory
’ byte are written
RRA Ry ; (Ry) = 0000 0000 0hfd bgec
MOV.B Ry,&LCDn+1 ; Note:
; All bits of an LCD memory
; byte are written
RRA Ry ; (Ry) = 0000 0000 00hf dbge
MOV.B Ry,&LCDn+2 ; Note:
; All bits of an LCD memory
’ byte are written
RRA Ry ; (Ry) = 0000 0000 000h fdbg
MOV.B Ry,&LCDn+3 ; Note:
; All bits of an LCD memory
’ byte are written
Table DB a+b+c+d+e+f ; displays ”0”
DB b+c; ; displays ”1”