Instruction Set
3-18 RISC 16-Bit CPU
3.4.1 Double-Operand (Format I) Instructions
Figure 3−9 illustrates the double-operand instruction format.
Figure 3−9. Double Operand Instruction Format
B/W D-Reg
15 0
8714 13 12 11 10 9 6 5 4 3 2 1
Table 3−11 lists and describes the double operand instructions.
Table 3−11.Double Operand Instructions
Mnemonic S-Reg,
Operation Status Bits
src,dst src → dst − − − −
ADD(.B) src,dst src + dst → dst ****
ADDC(.B) src,dst src + dst + C → dst ****
SUB(.B) src,dst dst + .not.src + 1 → dst ****
SUBC(.B) src,dst dst + .not.src + C → dst ****
CMP(.B) src,dst dst − src ****
DADD(.B) src,dst src + dst + C → dst (decimally) * * * *
BIT(.B) src,dst src .and. dst 0 * * *
BIC(.B) src,dst .not.src .and. dst → dst −−−−
BIS(.B) src,dst src .or. dst → dst −−−−
XOR(.B) src,dst src .xor. dst → dst ****
src,dst src .and. dst → dst 0 * * *
* The status bit is affected
− The status bit is not affected
0 The status bit is cleared
1 The status bit is set
Note: Instructions CMP and SUB
The instructions CMP and SUB are identical except for the storage of the
result. The same is true for the BIT and AND instructions.