Timer_A Operation
12.2.6 Timer_A Interrupts
Two interrupt vectors are associated with the 16-bit Timer_A module:
- TACCR0 interrupt vector for TACCR0 CCIFG
- TAIV interrupt vector for all other CCIFG flags and TAIFG
In capture mode any CCIFG flag is set when a timer value is captured in the
associated TACCRx register. In compare mode, any CCIFG flag is set if TAR
counts to the associated TACCRx value. Software may also set or clear any
CCIFG flag. All CCIFG flags request an interrupt when their corresponding
CCIE bit and the GIE bit are set.
TACCR0 Interrupt
The TACCR0 CCIFG flag has the highest Timer_A interrupt priority and has
a dedicated interrupt vector as shown in Figure 12−15. The TACCR0 CCIFG
flag is automatically reset when the TACCR0 interrupt request is serviced.
Figure 12−15. Capture/Compare TACCR0 Interrupt Flag
IRQ, Interrupt Service Requested
Timer Clock
IRACC, Interrupt Request Accepted
TAIV, Interrupt Vector Generator
The TACCR1 CCIFG, TACCR2 CCIFG, and TAIFG flags are prioritized and
combined to source a single interrupt vector. The interrupt vector register TAIV
is used to determine which flag requested an interrupt.
The highest priority enabled interrupt generates a number in the TAIV register
(see register description). This number can be evaluated or added to the
program counter to automatically enter the appropriate software routine.
Disabled Timer_A interrupts do not affect the TAIV value.
Any access, read or write, of the TAIV register automatically resets the highest
pending interrupt flag. If another interrupt flag is set, another interrupt is
immediately generated after servicing the initial interrupt. For example, if the
TACCR1 and TACCR2 CCIFG flags are set when the interrupt service routine
accesses the TAIV register, TACCR1 CCIFG is reset automatically. After the
RETI instruction of the interrupt service routine is executed, the TACCR2
CCIFG flag will generate another interrupt.