
LCD_A Controller Operation
19-20 LCD_A Controller
4-Mux Mode Software Example
; The 4mux rate supports eight segments for each digit.
; All eight segments of a digit can often be located in
; one display memory byte
a EQU 080h
b EQU 040h
c EQU 020h
d EQU 001h
e EQU 002h
f EQU 008h
g EQU 004h
h EQU 010h
; The LSDigit of register Rx should be displayed.
; The Table represents the on’−segments according to the
; content of Rx.
MOV.B Table(Rx),&LCDn ; n = 1 ..... 15
; all eight segments are
; written to the display
; memory
Table DB a+b+c+d+e+f ; displays 0
DB b+c ; displays 1
DB b+c+d+e+g ; displays d
DB a+d+e+f+g ; displays E
DB a+e+f+g ; displays F