
8052 Instruction Set
8052 Instruction Set
XRL Bitwise Exclusive OR
Syntax XRL operand1,operand2
Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags
XRL direct,A 0x62 2 1 None
XRL direct,#data8 0x63 3 2 None
XRL A,#data8 0x64 2 1 None
XRL A,direct 0x65 2 1 None
XRL A,@R0 0x66 1 1 None
XRL A,@R1 0x67 1 1 None
XRL A,R0 0x68 1 1 None
XRL A,R1 0x69 1 1 None
XRL A,R2 0x6A 1 1 None
XRL A,R3 0x6B 1 1 None
XRL A,R4 0x6C 1 1 None
XRL A,R5 0x6D 1 1 None
XRL A,R6 0x6E 1 1 None
XRL A,R7 0x6F 1 1 None
XRL does a bitwise exclusive OR operation between operand1 and operand2,
leaving the resulting value in operand1. The value of operand2 is not affected.
A logical exclusive OR compares the bits of each operand and sets the corre-
sponding bit in the resulting byte if the bit was set in either (but not both) of the
original operands. Otherwise, the bit is cleared.
See also: ANL, ORL