
8052 Instruction Set
8052 Instruction Set
DEC Decrement Register
Syntax DEC register
Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags
DEC A 0x14 1 1 None
DEC direct 0x15 2 1 None
DEC @R0 0x16 1 1 None
DEC @R1 0x17 1 1 None
DEC R0 0x18 1 1 None
DEC R1 0x19 1 1 None
DEC R2 0x1A 1 1 None
DEC R3 0x1B 1 1 None
DEC R4 0x1C 1 1 None
DEC R5 0x1D 1 1 None
DEC R6 0x1E 1 1 None
DEC R7 0x1F 1 1 None
DEC decrements the value of register by 1. If the initial value of register is 0,
decrementing the value causes it to reset to 255 (0xFF
The carry flag is not set when the value rolls over from 0 to 255.
See also: INC, SUBB
DIV Divide Accumulator by B
Syntax DIV AB
Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags
DIV AB 0x84 1 1 C, OV
Divides the unsigned value of the accumulator by the unsigned value of the
B register. The resulting quotient is placed in the accumulator and the
remainder is placed in the B register.
The carry (C) flag is always cleared.
The overflow (OV) flag is set if division by 0 was attempted. Otherwise, it is
See also: MUL AB