
8052 Instruction Set
RLC Rotate Accumulator Left Through Carry
Syntax RLC A
Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags
RLC A 0x33 1 1 C
RLC shifts the bits of the accumulator to the left. The left-most bit (bit 7) of the
accumulator is loaded into the carry flag, and the original carry flag is loaded
into bit 0 of the accumulator.
See also: RL, RR, RRC
RR Rotate Accumulator Right
Syntax RR A
Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags
RR A 0x03 1 1 None
RR shifts the bits of the accumulator to the right. The right-most bit (bit 0) of
the accumulator is loaded into bit 7.
See also: RL, RLC, RRC
RRC Rotate Accumulator Right Through Carry
Syntax RRC A
Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags
RRC A 0x13 1 1 C
RRC shifts the bits of the accumulator to the right. The right-most bit (bit 0) of
the accumulator is loaded into the carry flag, and the original carry flag is
loaded into bit 7.
See also: RL, RLC, RR
SETB Set Bit
Syntax SETB bitAddr
Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags
SETB C 0xD3 1 1 C
SETB bitAddr 0xD2 2 1 None
SETB sets the specified bit.
If the instruction requires the carry bit to be set, the assembler will automatical-
ly use the 0xD3 opcode. If any other bit is set, the assembler will automatically
use the 0xD2 opcode.
See also: CLR