8052 Instruction Set
8052 Instruction Set
JMP Jump to Data Pointer + Accumulator
Syntax JMP @A+DPTR
Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags
JMP @A+DPTR 0x73 1 2 None
JMP jumps unconditionally to the address represented by the sum of the value
of DPTR and the value of the accumulator.
See also: LJMP, AJMP, SJMP
JNB Jump if Bit Not Set
Syntax JNB bitAddr,reladdr
Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags
JNB bitAddr,relAddr 0x30 3 2 None
JNB branches to the address indicated by relAddr if the indicated bit is not set.
If the bit is set, program execution continues with the instruction following the
JNB instruction.
See also: JB, JBC
JNC Jump if Carry Not Set
Syntax JNC reladdr
Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags
JNC relAddr 0x50 2 2 None
JNC branches to the address indicated by relAddr if the carry bit is not set. If
the carry bit is set, program execution continues with the instruction following
the JNB instruction.
See also: JC