Keil Simulator
char accum_count;
long l;
float voltage_value, vref, max_range;
char convert_accumulate;
convert_accumulate = 1; //Select data averaging option.
CKCON &= 0xf8; // 0 MOVX cycle stretch
//set Serial # 1 indow up for output display
setport ();
printf (”\nMSC1210 Ver:”);
printf (”\nA/D Res H/M/L\t”);
printf (”Acc Reg 3/2/1/0\n”);
//Enable global interrupt and enable Power Fail Interrupt
IE = 0x80;
EPFI = 1;
//initialize A/D converter and extract Accumulation−Count
accum_count = init_a_to_d ();
//Wait for conversion to be completed
while (!(AISTAT & 0x20));
//Conversion completed, then read result of the A/D converter
l = read_a_to_d_result ();
//set conversion constants max_range and vref
if (ADCON1 & 0x40) //is polarity unipolar or bipolar?
max_range = 0xFFFFFF;
max_range = 0x7FFFFF;
if (ADCON0 & 0x10) //is Vref = Vrefh or Vref = Vrefl?
vref = 2.5;
vref = 1.25;