CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Sequential equivalent-time sampling
A type of equivalent-time sampling in which one sample is taken per
acquisition, with each sample skewed incrementally with respect to an
external trigger event. This instrument acquires using sequential equivalent-
time sampling.
Saved waveform
A collection of sampled points that constitute a single waveform that is
saved in any one on reference locations R1 - R8 or to the file system.
The direction at a point on a waveform. You can calculate the direction by
computing the sign of the ratio of change in the vertical quantity (Y) to the
change in the horizontal quantity. The two values are rising and falling.
Time base
The set of parameters that let you define the time and horizontal axis
attributes of a waveform View. The time base determines when and how long
to acquire record points.
An event that marks time zero in the waveform record. It results in acquisi-
tion of the waveform as specified by the time base.
Trigger level
The vertical level the trigger signal must cross to generate a trigger (on edge
trigger mode).
The number of hours the instrument has been powered on.
Vertical bar cursors
The two vertical bars you position to measure the time parameter of a
waveform record. The instrument displays the value of both cursors with
respect to the trigger and the time value between the bars.
Vertical Acquisition Window
The range of values the acquisition system can acquire. The maximum
vertical size is set by the operating range of the sampling module installed,
and that of any probe installed on the sampling module. For example, an
80E00 sampling module set to its maximum 100mV/div scale yields a
10-division vertical acquisition window of 1V.
The vertical offset determines where in the operating range of the A/D
converter (sampler) the signal is positioned relative to ground. Changing
vertical position will simply change the space on the screen where the data is