CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
The process of converting an analog input that has been sampled, such as a
voltage, to a digital value.
Return to Zero (RZ)
A waveform type for of a source to be measured (see waveform types).
Real-time sampling
An alternate sampling mode where the instrument samples to completely fill
a waveform record from a single trigger event. This instrument does not use
real time sampling; it samples sequentially. See Sequential equivalent-time
sampling on page Glossary--9.
Record length
The specified number of samples in a waveform.
Reference memory
Memory in an instrument used to store waveforms or settings. You can use
that waveform data later for processing. The instrument saves the data even
when the instrument is turned off or unplugged.
Reference waveforms
Waveforms that are static, not live (see live waveforms). Reference
waveforms are channel or math waveforms that you save to references or to
files in the instrument file system. Once saved, they do not update.
Sample acquisition mode
The instrument creates a record point by saving the first sample during each
acquisition interval. That is the default mode of the acquisition.
Sample interval
The time interval between successive samples in a time base display. The
time interval between successive samples represents equivalent time, not real
Samplin g
The process of capturing an analog input, such as a voltage, at a discrete
point in time and holding it constant so that it can be quantized.
Select button
A button that changes which of the two cursors is active.
Selected waveform
The waveform which is affected by vertical position and scale adjustments.
One of the channel s elector buttons lights amber to indicate the currently
selected waveform.