CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Overview Control el ements and resourcesTo use gated trigger (Cont.)
Enable gated
4. In the Enhanced Triggering options section of the dialog
box, check Gated Trigger.
Check to
Complete set up
5. Att ach an appropriate TTL-gat ing signal to t he
TRIGGER GATE (TTL) rear-panel connector. Operation
is as follows:
H Triggering system will be disabled when the gating
signal is a TTL low, and instrument will not acqui re.
H The triggering syst em will be enabled when the
gating signal is a TTL high, and t he instrument will
H There is an int ernal pul l--up on the Gated Trigger
input such that i f no drive signal is supplied or if the
input is l eft unconnected, triggering will be enabled
even if the Gat ed Trigger is select ed in the Trig
Setup dialog box.
For more
6. Press t he Help buttonintheTrigSetupdialogboxto
access the online assistance speci fic to triggering
commands. You can also read about key trigger
features in Keys to Using on page 3--40.
See page3--167 forinformation ononline help.
End of Procedure