Data Input and Output
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Overview Control el ements & resourcesTo recall a waveform (cont.)
Name a
3. Use the Look in: drop down l ist and but tons (see right)
to navigate to the direct ory which contai ns a waveform
that you want to recall.
Select your
4. If not sel ected, select *.wfm in the Files of type field to
force the dialog-box file listing to only include these
types. Use *.wfm f or waveforms.
Tip. Only change the type if you want to temporarily see
any other types of files in the current directory.
Otherwise, leave it set at *.wfm.
5. Choose your waveform file by either:
H Clicking an existing name in t he file list.
H Clicking in the File name field and typing a new
name, replaci ng the def ault file name.
Tip. If y our instrument lacks a keyboard, touch or click
on the icons as indicated right to display a virtual
keyboard. You can use the mouse or touch screen with
the virtual keyboard to type entries in the File name and
Files of type boxes.
Access to virtual keyboard
View any
included com-
ment (optional)
6. Read the com ment associated with the waveform file
you choose, if a comment is present. It can contain
information that help you use the waveform you are
about to restore (see right).
Tip. Selecting a file displays any comments that were
entered when t he wavef orm was saved.
Recall your
7. Click the Recall buttontosavethewaveformfile.To
cancel without recalling a waveform, click the Close