CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
A function of the instrument that atte mpts to automatic a lly produce a stable
wavef or m of usable size . Autoset sets up the acquisition controls based on the
char a cte ristic s of the selec ted wavef orm. A succe ssful autoset will produc e a
coher e nt and stable wave for m display.
Average acquisition mode
In this mode, the instrument displays and updates a waveform that is the
averaged result of several waveform acquisitions. Averaging reduces the
apparent noise. The instrument acquires data as in sample mode and then
averages it a user-specified number of averages.
Average Optical Power (AOP)
The time averaged measurement of the optical power over a much longer
time period than the bit rate of the signal.
The highest frequency signal the instrument can acquire with no more than
3dB(× .707) attenuation of the original (reference) signal.
An acronym for Bit Error R atio (or Rate). The principal measure of quality
of a digital transmission system. BER is defined as:
BER = Number of Errors/Total Number of Bits
BER is usually expressed as a negative exponent. For example, a BER of
means that 1 bit out of 10
bits is in error.
BER floor
A limiting of the bit-error-ratio in a digital system as a function of received
power due to the presence of signal degradation mechanisms or noise.
Bit error
An incorrect bit. Also known as a coding violation.
An input that connects a signal or attaches a network or transmission line to
sampling modules for acquisition of channel waveforms by the instrument.
Channel/Probe deskew
A relative time delay that is settable for a channel. Setting deskew lets you
align signals to compensate for signals that may come in from cables of
differing length.
Channel icon
The indicator on the left side of the display that points to the position around
which the waveform contracts or expands when vertical scale is changed.
This position is ground when offset is set to 0 V; otherwise, it is ground plus