Chapter 3
Access Point Setup
3.1 Overview
This chapter describes the setup procedure to make the WAP-4060PE a valid device
on your LAN, and to function as an Access Point for your Wireless Stations.
The WAP-4060PE can be configured using either the supplied Windows utility or the
Web Browser
3.2 Setup using the Windows Utility
A simple Windows setup utility is supplied on the CD-ROM. This utility can be used to assign a
suitable IP address to the WAP-4060PE. Using this utility is recommended, because it can
locate the WAP-4060PE even if it has an invalid IP address.
1. Insert the User’s Manual and Utility CD into the CD-ROM drive.
2. Once the menu screen appears, click on the “WAP-4060PE Manager” hyperlink for
installation. If the menu screen does not appear, you can click the Start button and
choose Run. When the dialog box appears, enter E:\Utility\setup.exe (Assume “E” is
your CD-ROM drive). Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
3. After the installation completes, you can start this utility from “Start”>”Program
Files”>”Planet”>”WAP-4060PE Manager”.
3.2.1 Main Screen
When the utility is executed, it searches the network for all active WAP-4060PE, and lists them
on screen, as shown by the example below.
Wireless Access Points
The main panel displays a list of all Wireless Access Points found on the network. For each
Access Point, the following data is shown:
The device name of the WAP-4060PE.