3. InsertTo.............................................................
Selects the location at which the insert effect will be
Press the “ ” button to open the dialog box, and make
settings. Press the [YES/OK] key to execute the settings.
If you press the [NO/CANCEL] key, the settings will be
The insertion location setting of the lowest-numbered
effect will take priority. For example if you set effect
number 1 to the same setting that was already made for
effect number 4, the setting for effect number 4 will be
cancelled. A setting that has already been made for ef-
fect number 1 cannot be selected for another effect
■ When “Assign” is set to “In”
Specifies the return channel.
3a. Input ..............(In1...4, DrL, DrR, CL, CR, Off)
Indicates the input jack into which the effect is inserted.
3b. Effect ................................................. (1...4)
Indicates the effect number.
3c. SelectCh.................................... [Off, 1...12]
Specifies the channel to which the effect output will be
■ When “Assign” is set to “Trk”
Specifies the insertion channel → (effect) → (return =
insertion channel).
3a. SelectCh ................................... [Off, 1...12]
Selects the mixer channel into which the effect is
If “SelectEffType” is “2in2outx2,” only odd-num-
bered channels can be selected in “SelectCh.”
3b. Effect ................................................. (1...8)
Indicates the insert effect number.
3c. OutputCh .................................. (Off, 1...12)
Indicates the channel to which the effect output is
returned. This will indicate the same channel as “3a.
4. Pair..................................................................
Specify pairing for adjacent mixer channels.
Press the “ ” button to access the following display.
For channels that are paired, the odd-numbered knob or
fader will control both channels. Moving the even-num-
bered knob or fader will not control anything.
4a. Select ChannelPair .....................[1 2...5 6]
To specify the channels you want to pair, press a “1 2”–
“5 6” button to turn it on. (The heart icon will appear.)
4b. Select Function ............. [Eq, Send, Aux, Pan]
Select the function(s) for which pairing will be enabled.
Use the “EQ”–“Pan” buttons to turn on the functions
that you want to pair. The settings will be applied when
you press the [YES/OK] key.
Fader and track status will always be paired if pair-
ing is on.
InsEff1: Select and edit insert effect 1
1. InputLevelMeter......(IN1, 2/CLP, –8, –18, –42dB)
Indicates the input level of each effect. The horizontal
axis indicates the effect input, and the vertical axis indi-
cates the level. “IN2” is input only when [INSERT
EFFECT] “InsEff1” is set to “2in2outx2,” and will not be
input otherwise.
2. EffectNumber..[000, 001...128, U001...128, (#)]
Selects the effect program.
“U001”–“U128” is the user area, in which you can save
effect programs that you edited.
If the effect program includes a control function, a “#”
will be displayed after the effect name. This will be dis-
played only for the insert effect assigned to the “Ass(#)”
parameter of the [SYSTEM/USB] “Control” tab page.
The effects that you can select will depend on the “Se-
lectEffType” setting in the [INSERT EFFECT] “InsAss”
tab page. For details on the effects for each structure, re-
fer to “Effect Program List” (→p.154).
3. EditEffect........................... (EffectProgramName)
When you press this button, the “Effect Algorithm” dia-
log box will appear, showing the structure of the pro-
gram, and allowing you to turn each effect on/off. An
insert effect can consist of up to five effects.
3a. Effect Icon ...................................................
Selects the effect that you want to edit.