
Sync: Synchronization settings
You can synchronize the D1200 with an external MIDI se-
quencer to make D1200 audio tracks play along with an ex-
ternal MIDI sound module.
Synchronization” means that the D1200 and the external
MIDI device will use the same clock signal to play back at the
identical timing.
The device that outputs the synchronization clock is called
the “master,” and the device that receives this clock is called
the “slave.” The D1200 can function either as the master or
1. Select MIDISync Mode.......................................
[MTC Mstr, MTC Slave, ClockMstr, Off]
Selects the synchronization signal that will be transmit-
ted and received from the [MIDI IN/OUT] connectors.
MTC Mstr: The D1200 will function as an MTC30NDF
(MIDI Time Code 30 non-drop frame) master device.
MTC Slave: The D1200 will function as an MTC30NDF
(MIDI Time Code 30 non-drop frame) slave device.
ClockMstr: The D1200 will transmit MIDI Clock.
Off: The D1200 will not transmit or receive synchroniza-
tion signals.
2. MTC RecvErrorLevel.................................. [0...9]
Specifies the level of tolerance with which the incoming
MTC data will be checked when “Select MIDISync
Mode” is set to “MTC Slave
If due to some problem, the MTC data is not received in
continuous succession, the D1200 will detect that there
is a problem with the MTC data, and may cease syn-
chronization and stop playback. If this occurs, you can
lower the “MTC RecvErrorLevel” so that synchronized
playback will continue even if slight problems occur
with MTC reception.
If you set this to “0,” synchronization playback will not
stop even if a problem occurs.
If you are synchronizing with a device other than the
D1200 as the MTC master, incompatibilities between the
devices may cause synchronization problems unless
you play back from the beginning of the song.
MMC: MMC settings
The D1200 can transmit and receive MMC (MIDI Machine
Control) messages.
This means that when synchronizing two 1200 units, or
when using the D1200 with a MMC-compatible MIDI se-
quencer, you can control operations such as song playback,
stop, and fast-forward from the master device.
Some MIDI devices may not support the MMC func-
tionality of the D1200. For details on the MMC function-
ality of the D1200, refer to the MIDI implementation.
1. Select MMC Mode ...........[Transmit, Receive, Off]
Switches MMC transmission/reception on/off.
Transmit: The D1200 will transmit MMC.
Receive: The D1200 will receive MMC.
Off: The D1200 will not use MMC.
2. MMCDevID(MMCDeviceID)................ [000...127]
Specifies the device ID that will be used to transmit and
receive MMC.
In order to transmit or receive MMC, you must use a
MIDI cable to connect the D1200 and the external MIDI
device, set the two devices to the same Device ID, and
make the appropriate setting in “Select MMC Mode.”
If you set the device ID to “127,” the D1200 will receive
MMC messages of any ID number, and will transmit
MMC messages using ID 127, to which all devices will
B-U/Rst: Backup and restore
Here you can backup data to a CD-R/RW disc or the USB
drive, and restore the backed-up data.
The following data can be restored.
D1200 backup data
D1600 backup data (track 1–12 data only)
D12 backup data
D16 backup data (track 1–12 data only)
For details on compatibility between these models, refer
to p.68.
When backing up to CD-R/RW, it is not possible to save
multiple sets of data on a single disc.
1. B-U/RstType.....[Backup1Song, BackupAll Songs,
BackupUserData, Restore]
Select the type of backup or restore operation.
Press the “ ” button and make your choice in the dia-
log box.
Each type of backup/restore operation is explained sep-
arately below.