Vtr1–6: Select virtual tracks 1–6
1. Select VirtualTrack...............[1a...1h, ..., 6a...6h]
Selects the virtual track for each track “1”–“6.”
Each track has eight virtual tracks, “a”–“h.” The virtual
track you select here will be used for recording and
2. SelectAll ..............................................[On, Off]
If you want to simultaneously select the same virtual
track number for all tracks (1–12), turn this “On” and
select the desired virtual track for any one of the tracks.
On: All tracks will be set to the same virtual
track number.
Off: Virtual tracks can be selected individu-
ally for each track.
Vtr7–12: Select virtual tracks 7–12
For details, refer to “Vtr1–6.”
In the case of a 24-bit song, this page cannot be selected.
1. Select VirtualTrack.............................................
[7–8a...7–8h, ..., 11–12a...11–12h]
Select the virtual track for each pair of tracks.
2. SelectAll ..............................................[On, Off]
EditTrk: Perform track editing opera-
Only the currently selected V-track will be affected by
these editing operations (→”Vtr 1–6,” “Vtr7–12”). Virtu-
al tracks that are not selected will not be affected. How-
ever, “CopyWholeTrack” and “SwapWholeTrack” are
exceptions to this.
The editing region (time) is specified by the times that
are registered in the [IN/LOC1], [OUT/LOC2], [TO/
LOC3], and [END/LOC4] keys (→p.33, 118).
IN time: the time location registered in the [IN/LOC1]
OUT time: the time location registered in the [OUT/
LOC2] key
TO time: the time location registered in the [TO/LOC3]
END time: the time location registered in the [END/
LOC4] key
You can either register these times to the appropriate
keys beforehand, or set them using the “Wave” button
of the [TRACK] “EditTrk” tab page.
After executing one of these operations, you can use
Undo to return to the previous state if you are not satis-
fied with the result.
1. EditType......[CopyTrack, InsertTrack, Erase Track,
DeleteTrack, SwapTrack, ReverseTrack, Optimize-
Track, Exp/CompTrack, CopyWholeTrack, Swap-
WholeTrack, FadeTrack, NormalizeTrack]
Use the dial to select an editing operation.
Press the “ ” button and choose from the list in the dia-
log box.
Each track editing operation is explained separately
EditType: “CopyTrack”
The audio data in the IN–OUT region of the copy-source
track will be copied to the TO location of the copy-destina-
tion track, for the specified number of times.
You can use the clipboard to copy data to a track of a differ-
ent song.
When you execute this operation, the destination track
will be overwritten.
2. SourceTrack ......................................................
[1...12, 1–2...11–12, 1–4...9–12, 1–6...7–12,
1–12, Clip#
Selects the copy-source track.
: “Clip#” can be selected only if the clipboard contains
data. # indicates the number of tracks (1, 2, 4, 6, 12) in
Recorded track(s)
Selected track
1 6