
Channel fader or EQ does not work
Fader does not work
During playback, the channel faders whose [TRACK
STATUS] is REC are used to adjust the input level; the
playback level is fixed at unity.
If you set [TRACK STATUS] to PLAY, you will be able to
adjust the playback level.
When pairing is on, the even-numbered faders of chan-
nels 1–6 will not function.
The audio level of paired channels is controlled by the
fader of the odd-numbered channel at the left.
If you switch pairing off after channels were paired, or if
you recall a scene, the audio level of a channel may not
match the position of the fader.
Raise or lower the fader so that it matches the actual vol-
ume level.
EQ does not work
The input can be adjusted by the Input EQ; the Channel
EQ will not affect the input.
Adjust the input EQ in the [INPUT/OUTPUT/SOLO]
“InEq1–4” tab page.
The playback can be adjusted by the Channel EQ; the In-
put EQ will not affect the playback.
Adjust the channel EQ in the [EQ] “Eq1–4,” “Eq5–8,” or
“Eq9–12” tab page.
The Input EQ cannot be applied to the digital input or
rhythm. Input EQ can be used only on the analog input.
Can’t record
The D1200’s [CHANNEL] fader may be lowered.
(When the [BOUNCE] “RecMode” tab page “SelectRec-
Mode” setting is at “Input.”)
The D1200’s [MASTER] fader may be lowered.
(When the [BOUNCE] “RecMode” tab page “SelectRec-
Mode” setting is at “Bounce.”)
Is [TRACK STATUS] set to REC for the recording-desti-
nation track?
Is there enough space on the drive?
Set the counter display to “FreeTime,” and check the
available recording time. (p.32, 84)
Increase the free space on the song drive by deleting un-
wanted songs or songs you have already backed up.
(p.68, 102)
Is the input source you want to record assigned to a mix-
er channel?
In the [INPUT/OUTPUT/SOLO] “Ch1–6” or “Ch7–12”
tab page, assign the input source to a mixer channel.
Is the recording mode (“Select RecMode”) appropriate?
(p.53, 92)
Can’t use digital input
If you want to use digital input, go to the [INPUT/OUT-
PUT/SOLO] “Ch1–6” or “Ch7–12” tab page and turn the
“DigiIn” button “On,” and assign the digital input to the
input of the desired channel. (p.37)
Is the sampling rate of the digital input supported?
Sampling rates of 96 kHz are not supported.
The input or recorded sound is noisy
or distorted
Is the [TRIM] knob set appropriately? The sound will be
distorted if [TRIM] is set too high, and noisy if it is set too
In the [METER/TRACK VIEW] page set “Select Display-
Mode” to “PreFaderLev,” and adjust the [TRIM] knobs
of the [INPUT 1/GUITAR IN]–[INPUT 4] jacks as high
as possible without allowing the level meter to reach the
“CLP” indicator.
If the effect input or output is still distorted, make the fol-
lowing adjustments.
Insert effect: While you watch the meters in the [INSERT
EFFECT] “InsEff1”–“Ins5–8” tab page, use the [TRIM]
knob to adjust the input volume so that “CLIP” does not
Master effect: While you watch the meters in the [MAS-
TER EFFECT/AUX SEND] “EffSnd1” or “EffSnd2” tab
page, adjust the send volume so that “CLIP” does not
Final effect: While you watch the meters in the [FINAL
EFFECT] “FinalEff” tab page, adjust the volume of each
channel so that “CLP” does not light.
Insert effect: Adjust the effect parameters or [TRIM], and
listen for any distortion.
Master/final effect: While you watch the meters in the
[MASTER EFFECT/AUX SEND] “EffSne1,” “EffSnd2,”
or “FinalEff” tab page, adjust the effect parameters so
that “CLP” does not light.
If EQ causes distortion, make the following adjustments.
Adjust the gain of the input EQ for an analog input, or
adjust the gain of the channel EQ for playback. (p.38)
Effects do not apply
You may have selected effect program number 00.
Set “EffectNumber” to other than “000” (=NO EFFECT).
Insert effects do not apply
Digital input may be enabled.
Insert effects cannot be used if “DigiIn” is turned “On
in the [INPUT/OUTPUT/SOLO] “Ch1–6” or “Ch7–12”
tab page. Turn this setting “Off.”
Is the effect inserted at the appropriate location?
In the [INSERT EFFECT] “InsAss” tab page, set “Assign”
to “In” if you want to apply the effect to the input sound,
or to “Trk” if you want to apply the effect to the play-
back. (p.42, 85)
Can’t use the expression pedal or MIDI to control an insert ef-
In the [SYSTEM/USB] “Control” tab page, has a valid ef-
fect been selected for “Ass(#)
Make sure that a valid effect is selected for “Select-
EffType” in the [INSERT EFFECT] “InsAss” tab page.
Example: “Ass(#)
” may have been set to “InsEff3” even
though “ SelectEffType” is set to “1in2out x2” (in which
case only InsEff1 and InsEff2 can be used).