Song and Locate
Modeling mode
The Recorder
the system
Expand/compress a track: “Exp/CompTrack”
This command expands or compresses the specified region
(IN–OUT) of recorded track data to fit the specified region
(TO–END) of the specified track.
• The expanded or compressed data can be created in a
different track, while preserving the original data.
•You can specify whether to convert the pitch.
•You can simultaneously convert one or more adjacent
tracks of data.
• The converted data can be copied one or more times in
This command can be used in ways like the following.
•To convert drum loops of differing tempo to the same
•To make a phrase occupy a specific length of time.
Copying expanded/compressed track data
Here’s how the IN–OUT region of track 1 can be con-
verted to the length of the track 2 TO–END region with-
out affecting the pitch, and copied there three times.
1 Register the IN, OUT, TO, and END locations. (→p.33,
2 Select “Exp/CompTrack.”
In the [TRACK] “EditTrk” tab page, select “EditType”
and use the [VALUE] dial to choose “Exp/CompTrack.”
3 Select the expansion/compression source track.
Set “SourceTrack” to track “1.”
4 Select the track to which the expanded/compressed
data will be copied.
Set “DestTrack” to track “2.”
If you selected two or more tracks for “SourceTrack,”
you must specify the same number of tracks for “Dest-
5 Specify the number of times the data will be copied.
Set “Times” to “3.”
6 Select the expansion/compression mode.
Select the “Mode” button and press the [ENTER] key to
open the dialog box.
For this example, select “Fast” and “Fixed.” Then select
the “OK” button and press the [ENTER] key to return to
the [TRACK] “EditTrk” tab page.
7 Select the “Exec.” button and press the [ENTER] key.
When the display asks “AreYouSure?,” press the [YES/
OK] key to execute the operation.
When the operation has been completed, the display
will indicate “Completed.” Press the [YES/OK] key.
8 Check the results of the operation.
Press the [TO/LOC3] key, and play back from the TO
location to verify that the operation produced the results
you expect.
If you are not satisfied with the results, you can use
Undo to return to the previous state. (→p.126)
As the specified region (IN–OUT) is set longer, it will
correspondingly take longer for processing to be fin-
ished and for the “Completed” indication to appear.
Copy an entire track/Copying to a V-track (virtual
track): “CopyWholeTrack”
This command copies an entire recorded track (from the be-
ginning to the end) to another track.
•You can copy one or more tracks simultaneously.
•You can copy the currently selected V-track to other V-
This can be used in ways such as the following.
•You can copy a track to several virtual tracks, and use
those tracks to create several different takes.
Copying an entire track
Here’s how to copy track 1 to V-track “a” (=currently
selected) of track 2.
1 Select “CopyWholeTrack.”
In the [TRACK] “EditTrk” tab page, select “EditType”
and use the [VALUE] dial to choose “CopyWholeTrack.”
2 Select the copy-source track number.
Set “SourceTrack” to track “1.”
3 Select the copy-destination track number.
Set “DestTrack” to track “2.”
If you selected two or more tracks for “SourceTrack,”
you must specify the same number of tracks for “Dest-
4 Select the copy destination V-track.
Set “DestVTrack” to V-track “a.”
5 Select the “Exec.” button and press the [ENTER] key.
When the display asks “AreYouSure?,” press the [YES/
OK] key to execute the operation.
When the operation has been completed, the display
will indicate “Completed.” Press the [YES/OK] key.
6 Check the results of the operation.
Play back the song from the beginning to verify that the
data was copied as you expect.
If you are not satisfied with the results, you can use
Undo to return to the previous state. (→p.126)
Copying to a V-track
Here’s how to copy V-track “a” (=currently selected) of
track 1 to V-track “b” of track 1.
1 Check the copy-destination.
In the [TRACK] “Vtr1–6” tab page, check that track 1 V-
track “b” is empty or is a track that you do not need to
keep. Then be sure to return the V-track selection to “a.”
2 Select “CopyWholeTrack.”
In the [TRACK] “EditTrk” tab page, select “EditType”
and use the [VALUE] dial to choose “CopyWholeTrack.”
DestTrack TimesSourceTrack
DestTrack DestVTrackSourceTrack
The Recorder