
CHAPTER 4 PCI Card Hot Maintenance in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
4.1 Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR)
PCI Card Hot Maintenance in Red CHAPTER 4
Hat Enterprise Linux 6
This chapter describes hot maintenance of PCI cards in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
4.1 Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR)
This section describes Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR).
DR function has to be enabled by MMB Web-UI and Dynamic Reconfiguration Utility package has to be
installed in the system to perform hot maintenance of SB and IOU. For hot maintenance of PCI Express card,
neither Enabling DR function nor installing Dynamic Reconfiguration Utility package has to be always needed.
For the summary of the DR function, applicable rules and corresponding list and restrictions, see 3.2.1
Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR)’.
For details on the MMB Web-UI/CLI, see respective chapters in “PRIMEQUEST 2000 series Tool Reference
For details on the OS CLI, see5.1 DR commandin PRIMEQUEST 2000 series Tool Reference” (C122-
4.1.1 DR function configuration setting
Enable/Disable is set for the DR function of each partition, from Partition->Partition #x->Mode window of
MMB Web-UI. If the settings are changed while the target partition is running, the settings will be reflected at
the next partition restart. Items for [Dynamic Reconfiguration] of the [Mode] window can be seen below.
FIGURE 4.1 [Mode] window (Dynamic Reconfiguration)
Dynamic Reconfiguration
current status
Setting status of the current DR function
Dynamic Reconfiguration function Enable/Disable
-Disable (Default)