
CHAPTER 4 PCI Card Hot Maintenance in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
4.8 Removing PCI Express cards
The ¥ at the end of a line indicates that there is no line feed.
[Example of descriptions in the file after editing]
The entries for the eth10 interface are commented out.
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ¥
ATTR{address}=="00:0e:0c:70:c3:38", ATTR{type}=="1", ¥
KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"
# SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ¥
ATTR{address}=="00:0e:0c:70:c3:40", ATTR{type}=="1", ¥
KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth10"
The ¥ at the end of a line indicates that there is no line feed.
Do this editing for all the interfaces confirmed in step 2.
9. Reflect the udev function rules.
Since rules are not automatically reflected in udev at the removal time, take action to reflect the new rules
in udev.
# udevadm control ––reload-rules
10. If the removed interface includes any bonding interface, delete the driver setting of the interface.
When removing a bonding interface, be sure to delete the setting corresponding to the bonding interface
and driver. Execute the following command to check the descriptions in the configuration file, and confirm
the setting corresponding to the bonding interface and driver.
Example: Description in /etc/modprobe.d/bonding.conf
# grep -l bonding /etc/modprobe.d/*
Edit the file that describes the setting, and delete the setting of the removed bonding interface.
alias bondY bonding <- Delete
bondY: Name of the removed bonding interface
There are no means to dynamically remove the MASTER interface (bondY) of the bonding configuration.
If you want to remove the entire bonding interface, you can disable the bonding configuration and remove
all the SLAVE interfaces but the MASTER interface itself remains.
11. Execute the higher-level application processing required after NIC removal.
Perform the necessary post processing (such as changing application settings or restarting an
application) for the operations performed for the higher-level applications in step 3.
4.8.5 Hot removal procedure for iSCSI (NIC)
When performing hot replacement of NICs used for iSCSI connection, use the following procedures.
- 4.8.1 Common removal procedures for all PCI Express cards
- 4.8.2 PCI Express card removal procedure in detail
- 4.8.3 FC card (Fibre Channel card) removal procedure
A supplementary explanation of the procedure follows.
Prerequisites for iSCSI (NIC) hot removal
- The prerequisites for iSCSI (NIC) hot replacement are as follows.
- The storage connection is established on a multipath using DM-MP (Device-Mapper Multipath) or
ETERNUS multidriver (EMPD).
- To replace more than one iSCSI card, one card at a time will be replaced.
- A single NIC is configured as one interface.