
CHAPTER 3 Component Configuration and Replacement (Add, Remove)
3.3 Replacing components
In a RAID configuration (Linux software RAID)
1. Place the faulty PCI Express card offline and remove the card.
# mdadm/dev/mdO --fail /dev/fiob
# mdadm/dev/mdO--remove /dev/fiob
2. Power off the partition.
For details on the powering off the partition, see ‘7.1.2 Powering off partitions’ in “PRIMEQUEST 2000
series Installation Manual” (C122-E174).
3. Replace the faulty PCI Express card.
4. Power on the partition.
For details on powering on the partition, see ‘7.1.1 Powering on Partitions’ in the “PRIMEQUEST 2000
series Installation Manual” (C122-E174).
5. Initialize the replaced PCI Express card.
6. The executing procedure is as follows.
a. fio-detach (Disconnecting the device from the operating system)
b. fio-format (Low level formatting of the device)
c. fio-attach ( (Making the device available on the operating system)
# fio-detach /dev/fct1
# fio-format /dev/fct1
# fio-attach /dev/fct1
The work of adding the device will trigger the rebuild operation.
# mdadm /dev/md0 --add /dev/fiob
In SWAP configuration
1. Delete the swap entry of the faulty PCI Express card.
(Example) # swapoff /dev/fioal
2. Confirm the serial number of the faulty PCI card
3. Delete the serial number of the failed PCI card from the pre-allocate memory in
Before replacing the PCI card, delete the serial number of the faulty PCI card from the pre-allocate
memory in /etc/modprobe.d/iomemory-vsl.conf.
For details on the procedure, see Using the Device as Swap and Appendix C - Using Module Parameters
in the PCIe SSD-785GB/PCIe SSD-1.2TB ioMemory VSL x.x.x User Guide for Linux. x.x.x is the version
4. Power off the partition.
For details on powering off, see ‘7.1.2 Powering off Partitions’ in the “PRIMEQUEST 2000 series
Installation Manual” (C122-E174).
5. Replace the faulty PCI Express card.
6. Power on the partition.
For details on powering on the partition, see ‘7.1.1 Powering on Partitions’ in the “PRIMEQUEST 2000
series Installation Manual” (C122-E174).
7. Initialize the replaced PCI Express card.
The executing procedure is as follows.
a fio-detach (Disconnecting the device from the operating system)
b fio-format (Low-level formatting of the device)