xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
config cfm mep
This command is used to configure the parameters of a previously created CFM MEP.
config cfm mep [ mepname <string 32> | mepid <int 1-8191> md <string 22> ma <string 22>]
{state [enable | disable] | ccm [enable | disable] | pdu_priority <int 0-7> | fault_alarm [all |
mac_status | remote_ccm | error_ccm | xcon_ccm | none] | alarm_time < centisecond 250-
1000> | alarm_reset_time < centisecond 250-1000> } (1)
An MEP generates five different types of Fault Alarms. The five alarm types are listed with their
priorities from high to low as follows:
Cross-connect CCM Received: priority 5
Error CCM Received: priority 4
Some Remote MEPs Down: priority 3
Some Remote MEP MAC Status Errors: priority 2
Some Remote MEP Defect Indications: priority 1
If multiple types of the faults occur on an MEP, only the fault with the highest priority will be used
for the alarm.
mepname <string 32> - The name used for the MEP. The MEP must first be created with the
create cfm mep command.
mepid <int 1-8191> - This is to specify the MEP identifiers contained in the maintenance
association. This must first be created with the config cfm ma command, mepid_list [add |
delete] <mepid_list> option.
ma <string 22> - The name of the previously created maintenance association (MA).
md <string 22> - The name of the previously created maintenance domain (MD).
state - The administrative state of the MEP.
enable - MEP is enabled.
disable - MEP is disabled. This is the default value.
ccm - The CCM transmission state.
enable - CCM transmission enabled.
disable - CCM transmission disabled. This is the default value.
pdu_priority - The 802.1p priority is set in the CCMs and the LTMs messages transmitted by the
MEP. The default value is 7.
fault_alarm - This is the control types of the fault alarms sent by the MEP.
all - All types of fault alarms will be sent.
mac_status - Only the fault alarms whose priority is equal to or higher than “Some Remote MEP
MAC Status Errors” are sent.
remote_ccm - Only the fault alarms whose priority is equal to or higher than “Some Remote
MEPs Down” are sent.
error_ccm - Only the fault alarms whose priority is equal to or higher than “Error CCM Received”
are sent.
xcon_ccm - Only the fault alarms whose priority is equal to or higher than “Cross-connect CCM
Received” are sent.
none - No fault alarm is sent. This is the default value.
alarm_time - This is the time used to control the duration of time the fault alarm is continuously
sent when a defect is reported. The unit used is centisecond, the range is 250-1000. The default
value is 250.
alarm_reset_time - If a fault alarm has not been detected since the previous defect report, this
is the time period used to reset. The unit is centisecond, the range is 250-1000. The default
value is 1000.
Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage: