xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
Example usage:
To delete a VLAN ID on the Switch:
DES-3200-28:4#delete vlan vlanid 5
Command: delete vlan vlanid 5
config vlan vlanid
Used to add additional ports to a previously configured VLAN.
config vlan vlanid <vidlist> { [add [ tagged | untagged | forbidden ] |
delete ] <portlist> | advertisement [enable | disable] | name
<vlan_name 32>} (1)
This command is used to add or delete ports of the port list of
previously configured VLAN(s). Specify the additional ports as being
tagged, untagged or forbidden. The same port is allowed to be an
untagged member port of multiple VLAN’s.
If the ports will join GVRP or not with the advertisement parameter
can also be specified. The name parameter allows the name of the
VLAN that needs to be modified to be specified.
<vidlist> − Specifies a range of multiple VLAN IDs to be configured.
tagged − Specifies the additional ports as tagged.
untagged − Specifies the additional ports as untagged.
forbidden − Specifies the additional ports as forbidden.
<portlist> − A range of ports to add to the VLAN.
advertisement − Entering the advertisement parameter specifies if
the port should join GVRP or not. There are two parameters:
enable − Specifies that the port should join GVRP.
disable − Specifies that the port should not join GVRP.
name − Entering the name parameter specifies the name of the
VLAN to be modified.
<vlan_name 32> − Enter a name for the VLAN
Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To add an additional port to a previously configured VLAN on the Switch:
DES-3200-28:4#config vlan vlanid 5 add tagged 7 advertisement enable name
Command: config vlan vlanid 5 add tagged 7 advertisement enable name RG