xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
show scheduling
Used to display the currently configured traffic scheduling on the Switch.
show scheduling
This command is used to display the current traffic scheduling
mechanisms in use on the Switch.
Example usage:
To display the current scheduling configuration:
DES-3200-28:4#show scheduling
Command: show scheduling
QOS Output Scheduling
Class ID Weight
--------- -------------
Class-0 1
Class-1 2
Class-2 4
Class-3 8
config scheduling_mechanism
Used to configure the scheduling mechanism for the QoS function
config scheduling_mechanism [strict | weight_fair]
This command is used to select between a weight fair and a strict mechanism for
emptying the priority classes of service of the QoS function. The Switch contains four
hardware priority classes of service. Incoming packets must be mapped to one of
these four hardware priority classes of service. This command is used to specify the
rotation by which these four hardware priority classes of service are emptied.
The Switch’s default is to empty the four priority classes of service in order − from the
highest priority class of service (queue 3) to the lowest priority class of service
(queue 0). Each queue will transmit all of the packets in its buffer before allowing the
next lower priority class of service to transmit its packets. Lower classes of service
will be pre-empted from emptying its queue if a packet is received on a higher class
of service. The packet that was received on the higher class of service will transmit
its packet before allowing the lower class to resume clearing its queue.
strict – Entering the strict parameter indicates that the highest class of service is the
first to be processed. That is, the highest class of service should finish emptying
before lower ones begin.
weight_fair – Entering the weight fair parameter indicates that the priority classes of
service will empty packets in a fair weighted order. That is to say that they will be
emptied in an even distribution.
Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure the traffic scheduling mechanism for each QoS queue: