xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
Example usage:
To configure address binding on the Switch:
DES-3200-28:4#config address_binding ip_mac ipaddress mac_address 00-
Command: config address_binding ip_mac ipaddress mac_address 00-00-
config address_binding ip_mac ports
Used to configure an IP-MAC-port binding state to enable or disable for specified ports.
config address_binding ip_mac ports [<portlist> | all] {state [enable { [strict | loose] } |
disable ] | allow_zeroip [enable | disable] | forward_dhcppkt [enable | disable ] | mode [arp
| acl] | stop_learning_threshold <int 0-500>} (1)
This command is used to configure the IP-MAC-port binding state to enable or disable for
specified ports.
<portlist> − Specifies a port or range of ports.
all – Specifies all ports on the switch.
state [enable | disable] – Enables or disables the specified range of ports.
strict - This mode provides a stricter control method. If a user chooses it, all packets will
be sent to the CPU, thus all packets will not be forwarded by the hardware until the S/W
learns entries for the port. The port will check ARP packets and IP packets by IP-MAC-
port binding entries. If a packet is found by the entry, the MAC address will be set to
dynamic. If a packet is not found by the entry, the MAC address will be set to block. Other
packets will be dropped. The default mode is strict if not specified.
loose - This mode provides a more loose way of control. If a user chooses it, ARP
packets and IP Broadcast packets will go to the CPU. The packet will still be forwarded
by the hardware until a specific source MAC address is blocked by the software. The port
will check ARP packets and IP Broadcast packets by IP-MAC-port binding entries. If a
packet is found by the entry, the MAC address will be set to dynamic. If a packet is not
found by the entry, the MAC address will be set to block. Other packets will be bypassed.
allow_zeroip [enable | disable] – Enables or disables zero IP address. When this function
is enabled, the Switch doesn’t block MAC which send ARP as sender protocol address
with zero.
forward_dhcppkt [enable | disable] – Enables or disables forward DHCP packet. By
default, the DHCP packet with broadcast DA will be flooded. When set to disable, the
broadcast DHCP packet received by the specified port will not be forwarded. This setting
is effective when DHCP snooping is enabled, under which case the DHCP packet which
has been trapped to the CPU needs to be forwarded by the software. This setting
controls the forwarding behavior in this situation.
mode [arp|acl] – When configuring the mode of the port to ACL, the Switch will create an
ACL access entry corresponding to the entries of this port. If the port changes to ARP, all
the ACL access entries will be deleted automatically. The default mode of port is ARP
stop_learning_threshold <int 0-500> – When the number of blocked entries exceeds the
threshold, the port will stop learning new addresses. The packet with new addresses will
be dropped. The range is 0 to 500. The default is 500. Entering 0 means no limit.
Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure address binding on the Switch: