xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
config cfm ma
This command is used to configure the parameters of a previously created CFM maintenance
config cfm ma <string 22> md <string 22> { vlanid <vlanid 1-4094> | mip [none | auto | explicit |
defer] | sender_id [none | chassis | manage | chassis_manage | defer] | ccm_interval [10ms |
100ms | 1sec | 10sec | 1min | 10min ] | mepid_list [add | delete] <mepid_list> }(1)
The MEP list specified for an MA can be located in different devices. MEPs must be created on the
ports of these devices explicitly. An MEP will transmit a Continuity Check Message (CCM) packet
periodically across the MA. The receiving MEP will verify these received CCM packets from the
other MEPs against this MEP list for the configuration integrity check.
ma <string 22> - The name of the previously created maintenance association (MA).
md <string 22> - The name of the previously created maintenance domain (MD).
Vlanid – The VLAN Identifier. There cannot be any overlap of MAs and associated VLANs, that is,
each VLAN can associate with only one MA.
mip - This will create a maintenance intermediate points (MIP).
none - No MIP is created. This is the default value.
auto - MIPs can be created on any port in the MD, if the port is not configured with an MEP of the
MD being configured.
For an intermediate switch in a maintenance administration (MA), the setting must be automatic in
order for the MIPs to be created on this device.
explicit - MIPs can only be created on a port which has an existing lower level MEP configured on it
AND that port is not configured with an MEP of this MD.
defer – The settings of the associated MD are inherited and applied to the MA. This is the default
sender_id - This is the control transmission of the sender identifier (ID) Type Length Value (TLV).
none - No sender ID TLV is transmitted. This is the default value.
chassis - Transmit the sender ID TLV with the chassis ID information.
manage - Transmit the sender ID TLV with the managed address information.
chassis_manage - Transmit sender ID TLV with chassis ID information and manage address
defer – The settings of the associated MD are inherited and applied to the MA. This is the default
ccm_interval This is the CCM interval, use one of the predefined values:
10ms: 10 milliseconds. Not recommended. For test purposes.
100ms: 100 milliseconds. Not recommended. For test purposes.
1sec: One second.
10sec: Ten seconds. This is the default value.
1min: One minute.
10min: Ten minutes.
mepid <mepid_list> This is to specify the MEP identifiers contained in the maintenance
association. The range of the MEPID is 1-8191.
add - Add MEPID(s).
delete - Delete MEPID(s).
By default, there is no MEPID in a newly created maintenance association.
Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.