autoDeleteLimit allows you to configure each snapshot group to perform automatic deletion of its
snapshot images to keep the total number of snapshot images in the snapshot group at or below a
maximum number of images. When the number of snapshot images in the snapshot group is at the
maximum limit, the autoDeleteLimit parameter automatically deletes snapshot images whenever a
new snapshot image is created in the snapshot group. The oldest snapshot images in the snapshot group
until the maximum number of images defined with the parameter is met. Deleting snapshot images frees
repository capacity so it can be used to satisfy ongoing copy-on-write requirements for the remaining
snapshot images.
Adding A Member Virtual Disk To A Consistency Group
To add a new base virtual disk to an existing consistency group, specify an existing repository virtual disk
for the new consistency group member or create a new repository virtual disk. When creating a new
repository virtual disk, identify an existing disk group or disk pool in which to create the repository virtual
To add a new base virtual disk to a consistency group with an existing virtual disk:
set consistencyGroup ["consistencyGroupName"]
addCGMemberVirtualDisk="baseVirtualDiskName" repositoryVirtualDisk="repos_XXXX"
To add a new base virtual disk to a consistency group and create a new repository virtual disk using a disk
set consistencyGroup ["consistencyGroupName"]
repositoryVirtualDisk=("diskGroupName" capacity=capacityValue(KB|MB|GB|TB|
To add a new base virtual disk to a consistency group and create a new repository virtual disk using a disk
set consistencyGroup ["consistencyGroupName"]
repositoryVirtualDisk=("diskPoolName" capacity=capacityValue(KB|MB|GB|TB|bytes))
• The Snapshot premium feature must be enabled on the storage array.
• To add a new member virtual disk, the consistency group must fewer than the maximum number of
virtual disks allowed in your configuration.
• If the base virtual disk resides on a standard disk group, the repository members for any associated
consistency group can reside on either a standard disk group or a disk pool. If a base virtual disk
resides on a disk pool, the repository members for any associated consistency group must reside on
the same disk pool as the base virtual disk.
• You cannot add a virtual disk to a consistency group that is in a Failed state.
Removing A Member Virtual Disk From A Consistency Group
When removing a member virtual disk from an existing snapshot consistency group, you can also delete
the repository virtual disk members from the consistency group, if desired.
The remove command syntax is shown below:
set consistencyGroup ["consistencyGroupName"]
[deleteRepositoryMembers=(TRUE | FALSE)]