For example, if you want to restart a rollback operation for snapshot image 12345 in a snapshot group
that has the name snapgroup1, you would use this command:
resume snapImage ["snapgroup1:12345"] rollback;
Resume Snapshot (Legacy) Rollback
NOTE: With firmware version 7.83 the order of the terms in the syntax is changed to be consistent
with other commands. Replace the deprecated command syntax with the new command syntax.
This command resumes a rollback operation that has entered a paused state. A rollback operation can
enter a paused state due to processing errors, which triggers a Needs Attention condition for the storage
If the rollback operation cannot be resumed, the selected snapshot (legacy) virtual disk reverts to a
paused state, and the Needs Attention condition is displayed.
resume rollback virtualDisk [snapshotVirtualDiskName]
resume virtualDisk [snapshotVirtualDiskName] rollback
Parameter Description
Specifies the name of the snapshot (legacy) virtual
disk for which you want to resume a rollback
operation. Enclose the snapshot (legacy) virtual
disk name in square brackets ([ ]). If the snapshot
(legacy) virtual disk name has special characters,
you must also enclose the snapshot (legacy) virtual
disk name in double quotation marks (" ").
Resume Snapshot Virtual Disk
This command resumes a snapshot virtual disk operation that was stopped.
resume snapVirtualDisk [snapVirtualDiskName] snapImage="snapImageName"