Parameter Description
Begins a snapshot operation immediately; a
snapshot virtual disk is created and a copy-on-
write operation begins.
Defines a specific start date snapshot virtual disk
creation. The format for this option is MM:DD:YY. If
no start date is provided, the current date is used.
For example: startDate=06:27:11.
Defines a day of the week you want to create a
snapshot virtual disk and perform a copy-on-write
operation. The values that you can enter are:
monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday,
friday, saturday, sunday, and all. For example:
Defines time of a day you want to create a
snapshot virtual disk and start performing a copy-
on-write operation. The format for entering the
time is HH:MM, where HH is the hour and MM is the
minute past the hour. Use a 24-hour clock. For
example: startTime=14:27, which corresponds
to 2:27 PM.
Amount of time, in minutes that defines a
minimum between two copy-on-write operations.
It is possible for you to create a schedule in which
you have overlapping copy-on-write operations
because of the duration of a copy operation. You
can ensure that copy-on-write operations
maintain a correct interval by using this option. The
maximum value for the scheduleInterval
option is 1440 minutes. For example:
Specific date to stop creating a snapshot virtual
disk and end the copy-on-write operations. The
format is MM:DD:YY, where MM is the month, DD
the day and YY the year. For example:
Use this option to prevent a scheduled copy-on-
write operation from ending. If you later decide to
end the copy-on-write operations, you must re-
enter the create snapshotVirtualDisk
command and specify an end date.
Number of times you want the snapshot schedule
to run in a day. For example, timesPerDay=4.