owner The RAID controller module that owns the virtual
disk. Valid RAID controller module identifiers are 0
or 1, where 0 is the RAID controller module in slot
0, and 1 is the RAID controller module in slot 1. If
you do not specify an owner, the RAID controller
module firmware determines the owner.
cacheReadPrefetch The setting to turn on or turn off cache read
prefetch. To turn off cache read prefetch, set this
parameter to FALSE. To turn on cache read
prefetch, set this parameter to TRUE.
dataAssurance The setting to specify that a disk group, and the
virtual disks within the disk group, has data
assurance protection to make sure that the data
maintains its integrity. When you use this
parameter, only protected physical disks can be
used for the disk group. These settings are valid:
• none – The disk group does not have data
assurance protection.
• enabled – The disk group has data assurance
protection. The disk group supports protected
information and is formatted with protection
information enabled.
allocateReservedSpace The setting to disable or enable the reserve
capacity on the physicalDisks in a disk group. The
controller firmware automatically reserves
additional capacity on each drive when creating a
disk group. To prevent the controller firmware
from reserving additional capacity on each
physicalDisk in a disk group, set this parameter to
FALSE. The default value is TRUE.