• The unreadable sectors that are detected on the storage array
• The state capture data
• An inventory of the versions of the firmware running on the RAID controller modules, the physical
disks, and the RAID controller modules
save storageArray supportData file="filename"
[force=(TRUE | FALSE)]
Parameter Description
The path and the file name where support-related
data for the storage array is saved. Enclose the file
path and the file name in double quotation marks ("
"). For example, file="C:\Program Files\CLI
\logs\supdat.zip". This command does not
automatically append a file extension to the saved
file. A file extension must be specified when
entering the file name.
Forces collection of support data when there is a
failure in securing a lock on RAID controller
module operations. To force the collection of
support data, set this parameter to TRUE. The
default value is FALSE.
Schedule Support Bundle Collection Configuration
This command specifies a schedule for collecting support bundle data.
NOTE: This command must be run from the command line. It cannot be run in the MD Storage
Manager script editor.
SMcli -supportBundle schedule (enable|disable) (all|storageArrayName)
(daysOfWeek={} | months={}
(onDays={} |
weekNumber=(First|Second|Third|Fourth|Last) dayOfWeek=(Sunday|Monday|Tuesday|