1 Using the VPN 3000 Concentrator Series Manager
VPN 3000 Concentrator Series User Guide
Click to refresh (update) the screen contents on screens where it appears (mostly in the Monitoring
section). The date and time above this reminder indicate when the screen was last updated.
Cisco Systems logo
Click the Cisco Systems logo to open a browser and go to the Cisco web site, www.cisco.com.
Left frame (Table of contents)
The left frame provides a table of contents to Manager screens. The table of contents uses the familiar
Windows Explorer metaphor of collapsed and expanded entries.
Main section titles (Configuration, Administration, Monitoring)
Click a title to open subordinate sections and titles, and to go to that Manager screen in the main frame.
Closed or collapsed
Click the closed / collapsed icon to open subordinate sections and titles. Clicking this icon does not
change the screen in the main frame.
Open or expanded
Click the open / expanded icon to close subordinate sections and titles. Clicking this icon does not
change the screen in the main frame.
Main frame (Manager screen)
The main frame displays the current VPN Concentrator Manager screen.
Many screens include a bullet list of links and descriptions of subordinate sections and titles. You can
click a link to go to that Manager screen and open subordinate sections and titles in the table of contents.