15 Monitoring
VPN 3000 Concentrator Series User Guide
The number of seconds since this route was last updated or otherwise validated. The age is relative to
the screen display time; e.g.,
25 means the route was last validated 25 seconds before the screen was
0 indicates a static, local, or default route.
The metric, or cost, of this route. 1 is lowest, 16 is highest.
Monitor | Event Log
This screen shows the events in the current event log, and lets you manage the event log file. For
troubleshooting any system difficulty, or just to examine details of system activity, consult the event log
The VPN Concentrator records events in nonvolatile memory, thus the event log persists even if the
system is powered off. The Model 3015–3080 event log holds 2048 events, the Model 3005 holds 256
events, and it wraps when it is full; that is, entry 2049 (or 257) overwrites entry 1, etc. Use the scroll
controls (if present) to display more events in the log.
To configure event handling, see the
Configuration | System | Events screens.
Get, Save, or Clear the event log file, you must have Access Rights to Read/Write Files. See the
Administration | Administrators | Modify Properties screen.
Figure 15-3: Monitor | Event Log screen