Configuration | Policy Management | Traffic Management
VPN 3000 Concentrator Series User Guide
Add or Apply / Cancel
To add this access time to the list, click Add. Or to apply your changes for this access time, click Apply.
Both actions include your entry in the active configuration. The Manager returns to the
Configuration |
Policy Management | Access Hours
screen. Any new entry appears in the Current Access Times list.
Reminder: To save the active configuration and make it the boot configuration, click the
Save Needed icon at the
top of the Manager window.
To discard your settings, click
Cancel. The Manager returns to the Configuration | Policy Management |
Access Hours
screen, and the Current Access Times list is unchanged.
Configuration | Policy Management | Traffic Management
This section of the Manager lets you configure network lists, rules, filters, Security Associations, and
network address translation, which let you control the data traffic through the VPN Concentrator.
Network lists let you treat lists of network addresses as a single object, thus simplifying the
configuration of rules for complex networks. Filters consist of rules; and IPSec rules (rules in which you
configure an
Apply IPSec action) also have Security Associations. Therefore you first configure any
network lists, then rules and SAs, and finally filters.
A filter applies its rules to data packets coming through the system, in the order the rules are arranged
on the filter. If a packet matches all the parameters specified in the rule, the system takes the action
specified in the rule. If at least one rule parameter does not match, it applies the next rule; and so on. If
no rule matches, the system takes the default action specified in the filter.
You apply filters to interfaces under
Configuration | Interfaces, and these are the most important filters for
security since they apply to all traffic. You also apply filters to groups and users under
Configuration | User
; these filters apply to tunneled traffic only.
Figure 13-4: Configuration | Policy Management | Traffic Management screen