
Documentation Conventions
VPN 3000 Concentrator Series User Guide
The VPN 3000 Monitor User Guide explains how to install, set up, and use the VPN 3000 Monitor, which
is a separate Java application that polls VPN 3000 Concentrators in a network for information and
displays that information on your workstation.
The VPN 3000 Concentrator Series Getting Started manual, this VPN 3000 Concentrator Series User
Guide, and the VPN 3000 Client User Guide are provided on the system software distribution CD-ROM
in PDF format. To view the latest versions on the Cisco Technical Documentation Web site, click the
Support tab on the toolbar at the top of the VPN Concentrator Manager window, and click the
Documentation link.
Other references
Other useful books and articles include:
Frequently Asked Questions about Microsoft VPN Security. Microsoft Corporation: 1998.
(Available from Microsoft web site,
Kosiur, Dave. Building and Managing Virtual Private Networks. Wiley: 1998.
Sheldon, Tom. Encyclopedia of Networking. Osborne/McGraw-Hill: 1998.
Stallings, William. Data and Computer Communications, 5th ed. Prentice-Hall: 1997.
Understanding Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP). Microsoft Corporation: 1997. (Available
from Microsoft web site.)
Virtual Private Networking: An Overview. Microsoft Corporation: 1999. (Available from Microsoft
web site.)
www.ietf.org for Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Working Group drafts on IP Security
Protocol (IPSec).
www.whatis.com, a Web reference site with definitions for computer, networking, and data
communication terms.
Documentation Conventions
We use these typographic conventions in this manual:
Font Meaning
This font Document, chapter, and section titles. Emphasized text.
This font
Command-line prompts and entries, data-entry-field entries, system displays,
filenames, etc.
This font
Literal entries you should make exactly as shown.
<This font>
Variables that the system supplies. Ignore the angle brackets.
This font
Menus, menu items, keyboard keys, icons, screen names, data-entry field
names, etc.