Performance Mode
Trigger Pads
The Conspiracy has 25 backlit (red, green, or blue), velocity-sensitive trigger pads
with aftertouch. These pads can be used as drum pads, notes, or as trigger buttons
for clip-launching software. When you strike the pad, its note MIDI information will
be shown on the display. When you press a pad, and continue to press it, the pad will
send a channel aftertouch message depending on how hard you press the pad. The
trigger pad parameters can be adjusted in the Edit Mode. The pads are numbered
01-25, from the top left of the grid, to the bottom right.
The Conspiracy has 14 encoders. Six of the encoders (P1-P6) are paired with sliders
to be used as channel pan controls. When you rotate the knob of an encoder, the
encoder number, MIDI channel, and continuous control (cc) data will be shown in
the display. Typically, rotating the knob clockwise will increase the value, and count-
er-clockwise will decrease the value (ranging 0–127). You can change the direction
of the data sent by the encoder by adjusting the MIN and MAX settings in the Edit
The Conspiracy has six sliders that are arranged as channel volume controls. There
is also a crossfader style slider that can be used with DJ software. The S1–S8 sliders
control the volume for channels 1–8, and S9 controls the master volume. When you
move a slider encoder, the slider number, MIDI channel, and continuous controller
(cc) data will be shown in the display. Typically, moving the slider up (or to the right)
will increase the value, and moving the slider down (or to the left) will decrease the
value (ranging 0–127). You can change the direction of the data sent by the slider by
adjusting the MIN and MAX settings in the Edit Mode.
Function Buttons
There are 17 backlit buttons on the Conspiracy, arranged as function buttons (F1-
F10), transport buttons (Play, Stop, Record) and arrow buttons. The buttons can
be defined as note type, which send note messages when pressed, or continuous
controller (CC) type, which send control messages when pressed.
The buttons can also be set to Toggle (press the button to send an on message, and
press the button again to send the off message) or they can be set to Momentary
(when the button is pressed the button sends the initial on command, and when
released will send an off command). If the button is a note type, press the button to
send note on message and release the button to send a note off message.
The button number, MIDI channel and value will be shown in the display. The func-
tion of each button is assignable and can be adjusted in the Edit Mode.
XY-Touch Pad
The XY-Touch pad can be assigned to send two different MIDI continuous controller
(CC) values based on the direction you slide your finger (vertically or horizontally).
When you slide your finger along the pad, the CC value for the X- and Y-axis is shown
on the display. The default CC messages will increase when you slide your finger to
the right on the X-axis, and up on the Y-axis. You can change the direction of the
data sent by the slider by adjusting the MIN and MAX settings in the Edit Mode.