Dell MD1280 Dollhouse User Manual

b. Remove the HDBs from the rear of the rack.
3. Remove the enclosure from the rack rails.
WARNING: Do not attempt to lift the enclosure without any assistance. If installed above the
lower 20U of a rack, a customerprovided mechanical lift must be used to avoid injury.
4. Remove the rack rails from the rack.
5. Install the replacement rack rails in the rack.
6. Install the enclosure in the rack rails.
7. Install the HDBs.
8. Turn on the EMMs and enclosure as described in the Post-replacement tasks section in this
Post-replacement tasks
After replacing an FRU in Dell Storage MD1280, turn on the EMMs and enclosure, if they were turned off.
Turning on the EMMs and enclosure
About this task
If the servers and enclosure are turned off, turn on the servers by doing the following:
1. Insert the power cords.
2. Press the power button on the enclosures to turn on the power.
NOTE: Always turn on the enclosures before turning on the host.
3. Ensure that the host is turned on.
4. Use the secli component of the Storage Enclosure Management Software to verify the replacement
device is up and running. For more information on using the secli to identify failed devices, see the
Dell Storage MD1280 Administrator's Guide
5. Install all available firmware update by using secli. For more information on using the secli to update
firmware, see the Dell Storage MD1280 Administrator's Guide.