This guide describes how to install a PowerVault
720N, 740N, or a 760N filer in a rack,
connect it to a PowerVault 700N Disk-Array Enclosure (DAE) storage system and to an
optional tape backup device, and start up the system. The chapters in this guide are
summarized as follows:
Chapter 1, “Introducing the Dell PowerVault 720N, 740N, and 760N
Filers” introduces the standard and optional features and gives the slot assign-
ments for the supported expansion cards for the three filers.
Chapter 2, “Installing a Filer System” provides detailed procedures for installing a
filer in a rack and cabling the filer to PowerVault 700N storage system(s) and to a
tape backup device.
Chapter 3, “Troubleshooting the Filer Hardware” provides information on trouble-
shooting the filer, based on light-emitting diode (LED) status displays and
liquid-crystal display (LCD) panel error and informational messages.
Chapter 4, “Getting Help” describes the help tools Dell provides to assist you
should you have a problem with the filer. It also explains how and when to call
Dell for technical assistance. Chapter 4 also includes a diagnostics checklist that
you can copy and fill out as you perform the troubleshooting procedures. If you
need to call Dell for technical assistance, use the completed checklist to tell the
Dell technical support representative what procedures you performed to better
help the representative give you assistance. If you must return a piece of hard-
ware to Dell, include a filled-out checklist.
This guide is for system administrators and trained computer equipment installation
technicians who are familiar with network data servers and how the Network File Sys-
tem (NFS), Common Internet File System (CIFS), and Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP) protocols are used to share and transfer files.