Installation: Forward Facing
Forward Facing
Installation with LATCH
1 Verify that your vehicle is equip-
ped with LATCH anchors (fig. A).
• If LATCH anchors are not
stalled, you must use standard
seat belt installation methods
2 Verify that LATCH harness is
routed in forward facing slots. If
not, refer to page 17 to switch
LATCH harness.
3 If stabilizing bar is extended
press blue release button, located
adjacent to the right side rear fac-
ing lock-off, to release and store
bar (fig. B).
4 Place the child restraint forward
facing and fully reclined on the
vehicle seat.
5 Loosly attach each LATCH con-
nector to the adjacent LATCH
anchor (fig C).
• A positive click confirms
attachment to the LATCH
• If necessary, press silver adjuster
release button, then pull to
loosen LATCH webbing (fig D).
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