CTI Link Installation Manual
CTI Link Installation Manual Page 2
IP Office 4.0 15-601034 Issue 11 (6 December 2006)
Installing TAPILink and DevLink
The IP Office TAPI Service Provider and the DevLink files are both installed from the IP Office User CD.
Perform the following:
1. Insert IP Office User CD.
The Workstation Installation Wizard - Welcome screen is displayed.
2. Click Next. The Identifying Your Unit screen is displayed.
3. Enter both your User Name (or select from existing) and User Password.
4. Click Next.
The Ready to Install screen is displayed.
5. Click Finish.
A progress bar is displayed and on completion the Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for IP
Office User Suite screen is displayed.
6. Click Next.
The Choose Destination screen is displayed.
7. Either accept the default or click Browse and select your own destination folder.
8. Click Next.
9. On the Select Components screen, tick the TAPI box and, if required, the DevLink box.
DevLink is installed and used in conjunction with 3rd party applications, e.g. Call Costing
For more information, refer to the IP Office CTI Link DevLink Programmer's Guide.
Do not change any other settings.
The Select Program Folder screen is displayed.
10. Either accept the default or enter a new folder name.
11. Click Next.
A progress bar is displayed and on completion the InstallShield Wizard Complete screen is
12. To exit from the install routine, click Finish.