Instruction Operation and Execution Notations
3-5Instruction SetSPRU733
Table 3−1. Instruction Operation and Execution Notations (Continued)
Symbol Meaning
umsb16 Unsigned 16-bit integer value in upper half of 32-bit register
u2 Two packed unsigned 16-bit integers in a single 32-bit register
u4 Four packed unsigned 8-bit integers in a single 32-bit register
x clear b,e Clear a field in x, specified by b (beginning bit) and e (ending bit)
x ext l,r Extract and sign-extend a field in x, specified by l (shift left value) and r (shift right value)
x extu l,r Extract an unsigned field in x, specified by l (shift left value) and r (shift right value)
x set b,e Set field in x to all 1s, specified by b (beginning bit) and e (ending bit)
xint 32-bit integer value that can optionally use cross path
xor Bitwise exclusive-OR
xsint Signed 32-bit integer value that can optionally use cross path
xslsb16 Signed 16 LSB of register that can optionally use cross path
xsmsb16 Signed 16 MSB of register that can optionally use cross path
xsp Single-precision floating-point register value that can optionally use cross path
xs2 Two packed signed 16-bit integers in a single 32-bit register that can optionally use cross path
xs4 Four packed signed 8-bit integers in a single 32-bit register that can optionally use cross path
xuint Unsigned 32-bit integer value that can optionally use cross path
xulsb16 Unsigned 16 LSB of register that can optionally use cross path
xumsb16 Unsigned 16 MSB of register that can optionally use cross path
xu2 Two packed unsigned 16-bit integers in a single 32-bit register that can optionally use cross path
xu4 Four packed unsigned 8-bit integers in a single 32-bit register that can optionally use cross path
→ Assignment
+ Addition
++ Increment by 1
× Multiplication
− Subtraction
Equal to