
PGIE bit 2-13
decode stage 4-3
execute stage 4-5
execution 4-12
factors that provide programming flexibility 4-1
fetch stage 4-2
functional unit constraints 4-33
overview 4-2
performance considerations 4-56
phases 4-2
stages 4-2
summary 4-6
pipeline execution 4-12
pipeline operation
ADDDP instruction 4-28
branch instructions 4-22
DP compare instruction 4-27
four-cycle instructions 4-25
INTDP instruction 4-26
load instructions 4-20
MPYDP instruction 4-31
MPYI instruction 4-29
MPYID instruction 4-30
MPYSPDP instruction 4-32
MPYSP2DP instruction 4-33
multiple execute packets in a fetch packet 4-56
multiply instructions 4-17
one execute packet per fetch packet 4-6
single-cycle instructions 4-16
store instructions 4-18
SUBDP instruction 4-28
two-cycle DP instructions 4-24
pipeline phases
block diagram 4-10
used during memory accesses 4-60
PR pipeline phase 4-2
programming considerations, interrupts 5-22
PS pipeline phase 4-2
PW pipeline phase 4-2
PWRD bits 2-13
RCPDP instruction 3-197
RCPSP instruction 3-199
reciprocal approximation
double-precision floating-point (RCPDP) 3-197
single-precision floating-point (RCPSP) 3-199
double-precision floating-point
(RSQRDP) 3-201
single-precision floating-point
(RSQRSP) 3-203
register files
cross paths 2-6
data address paths 2-7
general-purpose 2-2
memory, load, and store paths 2-6
relationship to data paths 2-6
addresses for accessing 2-8
addressing mode register (AMR) 2-10
control register file 2-7
control register file extensions 2-23
control status register (CSR) 2-13
E1 phase program counter (PCE1) 2-22
floating-point adder configuration register
(FADCR) 2-23
floating-point auxiliary configuration register
(FAUCR) 2-27
floating-point multiplier configuration register
(FMCR) 2-31
interrupt clear register (ICR) 2-16
interrupt enable register (IER) 2-17
interrupt flag register (IFR) 2-18
interrupt return pointer register (IRP) 2-19
interrupt service table pointer register
(ISTP) 2-21
interrupt set register (ISR) 2-20
NMI return pointer register (NRP) 2-22
read constraints 3-24
write constraints 3-25
related documentation from Texas Instruments iii
resource constraints 3-20
cross paths 3-21
floating-point instructions 3-26
on loads and stores 3-22
on long data 3-23
on register reads 3-24
on register writes 3-25
on the same functional unit writing in the same
instruction cycle 3-20
using the same functional unit 3-20
return from maskable interrupt 5-15
return from NMI 5-15