
Control Register File
CPU Data Paths and Control2-12 SPRU733
Table 25. Addressing Mode Register (AMR) Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bit DescriptionValueField
32 A5 MODE 03h Address mode selection for register file a5.
0 Linear modification (default at reset)
1h Circular addressing using the BK0 field
2h Circular addressing using the BK1 field
3h Reserved
A4 MODE 03h Address mode selection for register file A4.
0 Linear modification (default at reset)
1h Circular addressing using the BK0 field
2h Circular addressing using the BK1 field
3h Reserved
Table 26. Block Size Calculations
BKn Value Block Size BKn Value Block Size
00000 2 10000 131 072
00001 4 10001 262 144
00010 8 10010
524 288
00011 16 10011
1 048 576
00100 32 10100
2 097 152
00101 64 10101
4 194 304
00110 128 10110
8 388 608
00111 256 10111
16 777 216
01000 512 11000
33 554 432
01001 1 024 11001
67 108 864
01010 2 048 11010
134 217 728
01011 4 096 11011
268 435 456
01100 8 192 11100
536 870 912
01101 16 384 11101
1 073 741 824
01110 32 768 11110
2 147 483 648
65 536 11111 4 294 967 296
Note: When n is 11111, the behavior is identical to linear addressing.