Control Register File
CPU Data Paths and Control2-14 SPRU733
Table 2−7. Control Status Register (CSR) Field Descriptions
Bit Field Value Description
31−24 CPU ID 0−FFh Identifies the CPU of the device. Not writable by the MVC instruction.
0−1h Reserved
2h C67x CPU
3h C67x+ CPU
4h−FFh Reserved
REVISION ID 0−FFh Identifies silicon revision of the CPU. For the most current silicon
revision information, see the device-specific data manual. Not writable
by the MVC instruction.
15−10 PWRD 0−3Fh Power-down mode field. See Figure 2−5. Writable by the MVC instruction.
0 No power-down.
1h−8h Reserved
9h Power-down mode PD1; wake by an enabled interrupt.
Ah−10h Reserved
11h Power-down mode PD1; wake by an enabled or nonenabled interrupt.
12h−19h Reserved
1Ah Power-down mode PD2; wake by a device reset.
1Bh Reserved
1Ch Power-down mode PD3; wake by a device reset.
1D−3Fh Reserved
SAT Saturate bit. Can be cleared only by the MVC instruction and can be set
only by a functional unit. The set by a functional unit has priority over a
clear (by the MVC instruction), if they occur on the same cycle. The SAT
bit is set one full cycle (one delay slot) after a saturate occurs. The SAT
bit will not be modified by a conditional instruction whose condition is false.
0 Any unit does not perform a saturate.
1 Any unit performs a saturate.
EN Endian mode. Not writable by the MVC instruction.
0 Big endian
1 Little endian