Chapter 1 B-25
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
TI-85 It is possible to enter data while in the statis-
tics mode of your calculator. However, the examples
in this Guide assume that input data is already en-
tered in list L1 and output data is in list L2.
Press STAT F1 (CALC) and press the F-keys on the
menu to enter L1 as the xlist Name and L2 as the ylist Name.
Press ENTER after each entry.
Choose the linear model with F2 (LINR) .
The y-intercept, a, and the slope, b, of the model is
displayed along with the number, n, of data points.
(The corr that is shown is called the correlation
coefficient. It is something you will learn about in a
statistics course and should be ignored in this course.)
TI-86 Press 2nd + (STAT) F1 (CALC) F3 (LinR) .
To have the calculator find the linear model of best
fit using L1 as the input and L2 as the output and paste
the model into the y(x)= list, put the following after
the LinReg instruction:
The linear model fit by the TI-86
is of the form
y = a + bx
where a is the y-intercept and
b is the slope. This is equivalent,
but not of the same form, as the
model in your text.
the input and output list names either by typing them
from the keyboard or by pressing 2nd – (LIST) F3
(NAMES), press the menu key under L1, press , and
press the menu key under L2. Next, type y1. Press
ENTER . (The model will be pasted into the location that
you specify.)
The linear model of best fit for the aligned tax data
entered in Section 1.4.4 of this Guide is displayed on
the home screen.
Note: It is not necessary to first clear any previously-
entered function from the location of the y(x)= list.
(The corr that is shown is called the correlation
coefficient. It is something you will learn about in a
statistics course and should be ignored in this course.)
Go the y(x)= list to verify
that the model has been
pasted into the y1 location.