B-20 TI-85/TI-86 Graphing Calculators
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
To enter data using the list editor,
Press 2nd – (LIST) F4 (EDIT) to access the list
editor. Enter the name L2 at the name prompt and
press ENTER .
Enter the first y-value as e1, press ENTER or ,
enter the second y-value as e2, etc.
If there are data values in this
list, see 1.4.3 of this Guide and
first delete the ÒoldÓ data.
TI-86 Even though both of the methods discussed above are ways to enter data on the
TI-86, the most convenient method is to enter the data in the TI-86Õs stat lists. Return to
the home screen and press 2nd + (STAT) F2 (EDIT) . Go to Section 1.4.3 of this Guide,
delete the data currently in these lists, and enter the data again using the method
described next.
Position the cursor in the first location in list L1. Enter
the x-data into list L1 by typing the numbers from top
to bottom in the L1 column, pressing ENTER after each
After typing the L1(5) value, 1997, use to go to the
top of list L2. Enter the y-data into list L2 by typing
the entries from top to bottom in the L2 column, press-
ing ENTER after each entry.
1.4.2 EDITING DATA IN THE TI-85 LIST EDITOR If you incorrectly type a data
value, access the data with the list editor and use the cursor keys to move to the value you
wish to correct. Type the correct value and press ENTER .
¥ To insert a data value, put the cursor over the value that will be directly below the one
you will insert, and press F1 (INSi) . The values in the list below the insertion point move
down one location and a 0 is filled in at the insertion point. Type the data value to be
inserted and press ENTER . The 0 is replaced with the new value.
¥ To delete a single data value, move the cursor to the value you wish to delete, and press
F2 (DELi) . The values in the list below the deleted value move up one location.
1.4.2 EDITING DATA IN THE TI-86 STAT LISTS If you incorrectly type a data value,
use the cursor keys to darken the value you wish to correct and type the correct value. Press
¥ To insert a data value, put the cursor over the value that will be directly below the one
you will insert, and press 2nd DEL (INS) . The values in the list below the insertion point