
not serve the destination desired. This cause is
supported on a network dependent basis.
Send special
information tone
This cause indicates that the called party
cannot be reached for reasons that are of a long
term nature and that the special information
tone should be returned to the calling party.
Misdialled trunk prefix
(national use)
This cause indicates the erroneous inclusion of
a trunk prefix in the called party number.
6 Channel unacceptable
This cause indicates that the channel most
recently identified is not acceptable to the
sending entity for use in this call.
Call awarded, being
delivered in an
established channel
This cause indicates that the user has been
awarded the incoming call, and that the
incoming call is being connected to a channel
already established to that user for similar calls
(e.g. packet-mode x.25 virtual calls).
8 Preemption
This cause indicates the call is being
Preemption circuit
reserved for reuse
This cause indicates that the call is being
preempted and the circuit is reserved for reuse
by the preempting exchange.
16 Normal call clearing
This cause indicates that the call is being
cleared because one of the users involved in
the call has requested that the call be cleared.
Under normal situations, the source of this
cause is not the network.
17 User busy
This cause is used to indicate that the called
party is unable to accept another call because
the user busy condition has been encountered.
This cause value may be generated by the
called user or by the network. In the case of
user determined user busy it is noted that the
user equipment is compatible with the call.
18 No user responding
This cause is used when a called party does not
respond to a call establishment message with
either an alerting or connect indication within
the prescribed period of time allocated.